
Wednesday, June 27, 2012


Hi all,

Sorry it has been so long. I will try and just give a quick summary as to what this past week consisted of for me. Thursday I prepared some maps that some CRU students would use to placard the neighborhood with the papers pictured above.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Bible Study Cancelled

The Bible Study this evening was cancelled due to some sickness and some travelling. Thank you all for your prayers, I will be going over the same material next week...doubly prepared.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Update on Past week

It has been almost a week and haven't updated on anything. This week we returned to a fairly normal schedule, or so I thought.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Rosarito on Monday

On Monday Ray, David, Jim de Witt, and I went to Rosarito in order to help a church evangelize in it's neighborhood.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Retreat Weekend

Hi all,

I wanted to get some pictures up of what I have been doing. I uploaded some of these to facebook, but I'll put a little more description here, and it also includes some panorama shots from my phone.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Spanish Bible Study/Update

Well, it was my first time teaching an adult Bible Study, in a language that isn't really my own.

Needless to say it went as well as it probably could have. There were many points that I got stuck where I was bailed out by the pastor (I was very thankful for his presence).

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Spanish Bible Study

So I just found out recently that I will be leading a Spanish Bible Study on Wednesday nights!

Praise God for His provision in showing me where He'd like me to work, but within this blessing is a fear of my inadequate knowledge of Spanish. This Bible study will push the limits of my language skills, as well as my knowledge of the Bible. Because my use of the language is so basic, I will be forced to condense Biblical truths down to their simplest forms of communication.

I know that somehow God will use this for His glory, but I ask for your prayers for the next 13 weeks on Wednesday nights as I communicate the truths of God.

Thank you,

Zach Lutz